Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Is the whole RV/GCR thing real?

Question: "is the whole RV/GCR thing real? If so is it backed by the cabal for humanity slavery 2.0? Or is it one of many parts of the larger birth of the coming golden age as touted by various channelers?"

I was wondering how long it would be before someone asked about this...

Short answer: Yes, Yes/No, Yes

Doesn't answer your question?  I didn't think so... *grin*

Let's break this into smaller parts:

Is the whole RV/GCR thing real?

Yes. Many times over the years I found myself wondering this very question myself, it seemed like a fantasy...  But, with the recent developments around the world, it is becoming quite apparent that there is some truth behind this.  Will it play out exactly as many have predicted?  Heck no.  This is a constantly changing thing, adapting and improvising along the way to adjust for recent developments while keeping the end goal in site.

Once you learn how the financial system works (or should I say "used" to work), it becomes quite apparent what a lot of the news articles really mean.  So, when the BRICS nations announced their own financial system, I could see the end in site.   An asset-backed system is the polar opposite of what we used to have, and with the transparent nature of the transactions it will become impossible to hide the money laundering/outright theft.

Also, keep in mind that the old system was debt-based.  The only way to balance a budget in a debt-based economy is to increase the debt.  Thus, has an exponential factor built into, where it will eventually reach a point where the entire system will implode.   Basically, it was a system designed, from the very start, to collapse.  And who would be there to pick up the pieces?  Well, that is obvious, and is an excellent transition into the second part of this question...

If so is it backed by the cabal for humanity slavery 2.0?

If you look back through history, you'll find hundreds of RVs that have taken place, but they have been carefully hidden from public view. 

This was a time-honored tradition amongst the elite, they would start hostilities, create a war, fund both sides (profiting from the arms sales), and once the conflict is over and the economies of both sides were decimated, they come in with "helping hands" to get everything going again (while pocketing a hefty profit in the reconstruction).  What is not noticed by most is that during this process the value of the currencies of those nations drops in value significantly (it helps when the elites also own the organizations that decide the values), rendering them almost worthless.  The elites would then quietly buy up as much of this money as they could for a fraction of it's value, wait for the value to return to pre-war rates, and exchange it back for a huge profit. 

The most noticeable one was the 1990 Kuwait conflict.  They allowed Saddam to invade the country and the value of the Kuwaiti Dinar plummeted.  Bush then told his insider group about it, and they bought huge sums of it, and when the currency returned to previous values they made billions of dollars in profit.  This was the funding source behind Clinton's "balancing the budget" that he loves to brag about, and the tech bubble of the 90s. 

The problem was that that this tech bubble also pushed the Internet into being.  With the Internet available, people could communicate across the globe with unparalleled ease.  The truth about the Kuwait RV came out, the public realized what had happened.

Then, in 2003, the elite attempted to do this again with the invasion of Iraq.  However, people were watching for it this time.  The value of the Iraqi Dinar dropped from around $3.71 (for 1 Dinar) to somewhere around 4000 Dinar to the Dollar.  The elite bought pallets full of this currency, but so did some of the general public...

They held a partial RV, bringing the value of it up to approximately 1200 Dinar to the Dollar to make some quick cash before the public got it, and then held it there for a long time.  They tried to figure out how to stop the public from buying it, but their efforts only brought more attention to it, so instead they decided to embrace it and try to turn that into a profit making venture also by having people sell it for quite a bit more than it was worth at the time (this breaks off into a side topic of the Dinar "scams"). They also put huge plans in place to confiscate the wealth in other ways once the RV took place.  By allowing huge influxes of money into the system and then quickly withdrawing it, they could collapse the economy quickly, make astronomical profits, and be there to clean up the pieces. 

But, this time, the good guys decided to do something about it, and decided to use this as an opportunity to "fix" the financial system.  They turned a simple country-raping RV into a Global RV, a "currency reset", and the GCR was born.   They created a new financial system that was immune to the elite's manipulation, funded each country with the necessary assets to back their currency, and are now in the process of changing the value of each nation's currencies.  Several countries have done this over the last week, and other ones are slowly changing values without people really noticing.

Or is it one of many parts of the larger birth of the coming golden age as touted by various channelers?"

Yes, there is much talk about how all this went down was part of a divine design.  I tend to agree with at least most of that idea, because nothing ever happens by chance, there is a reason for everything that happens. 

When you start listening to the goals people have with the humanitarian projects, it really starts to restore my faith in humanity.  The goal, as I see it now, is to flood the world with money, and devote most of it to projects that will uplift mankind instead of harming it.

If everything pans out as advertised, the world will become a much-much better place during our lifetime!

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