Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How do I cure <-insert disease name here->?

I get asked regularly questions such as:

"How do I cure cancer?"
"How do I cure arthritis?"
"How do I get rid of this cold?"
"How do I cure <-insert disease name here->?"

I get these questions semi-regularly because I've been studying health issues for the last several years in great detail.   I have now determined that almost every disease currently known can be "cured", allergies can be removed, and any part of your body that has blood flow can regenerate itself.  I have stated these claims many times publicly.

However, it is not quite as simple as just obtaining a "cure".

If you start doing Internet searches for "cures", you'll soon be overwhelmed with the number of results you'll find.  Take any one "cure" and you will find hundreds of people professing how it worked miracles and saved their life, and just as many that said it did nothing for them.  Time and time again, you'll find "miracle cures" that work for some but not others, so what is up with that? 

For that answer you really need to step back and take a look at how health really works.

The Basics:

The basis of everything is energy because everything is energy, and energy is everything.  Think back to your basic science lessons, everything is made out of atoms, and atoms are merely different combinations of electrons and neutrons.  In other words, the different types atoms are merely different forms of energy.  How fast those atoms vibrate is measured as a frequency.

Thus, the basis of everything is tied to energy, frequency, and vibration. 

As the simplest explanation, diseases and illnesses are low-frequency creations, they cannot exist in high frequency environments.  As the frequency of your body drops, it becomes more susceptible to infection.

As mentioned in the "Handbook for a new paradigm":
The normal vibratory rate of a human body has been determined to be between 62 and 68 MHz. The brain functions optimally between 72 and 90 MHz. When the body vibration lowers to 58 MHz it can "catch a cold"; at 57 MHz the flu; 55 MHz candida, 52 MHz Epstein Barr; 42 MHz cancer and at 25 MHz death begins.

To summarize, when you body's frequency drops, you get sick.  When your body's frequency rises, your body starts to heal itself.

This is also how a lot of "healers" do their work.  They have a natural high frequency, and simply being in their presence brings your vibration up also.   Since diseases cannot survive in a such a state, you are "healed".  By the way, this is also the origin of "laying on of hands", and it is what Jesus taught his disciples to do. 

So...  As you can see by this, you can try all the medications, supplements or healing techniques you want, but if your body frequency remains low, you will remain sick.

Step 1: Create A Healthy Foundation

That makes the first step in becoming healthy to be to create a healthy environment for your body to live in.  Without it, nothing you try is going to work.

One of the best explanations of the basics of this was given by Bashar:

(Listen to this carefully.  Multiple times if necessary.)

To summarize, here are his six basic rules:
  1. Oxygenation of the system
  2. Hydration of the system
  3. Exercise and movement
  4. Reduction of stress in the system
  5. Removal of toxins from the system and environment
  6. Lightening of your diet
I wanted to expound upon these rules, but it becomes too in-depth quickly.  If anyone desires details about any of these rules, I'll open that as another question.

Step 2: Maintain A Healthy Foundation

Really, this is just step 1 re-iterated, but once you have created a healthy foundation, you will also need to maintain it.  You will need to avoid low-vibrational activities, and avoid putting things into your body that will do more harm than good.  Go back and listen to that video periodically to see if you are still following those rules...  This is a lifestyle change, not a one-time thing.

Remember to avoid:

  • Processed Food - Keep your food as "natural" and as close to "raw" as possible.  Most things that have an ingredients list will do more harm than good.
  • Artificial Sweeteners - Anything labeled as "lite" or "diet" contains artificial sweeteners.  These chemicals to make things taste sweet are actually neurotoxins.
  • Microwaved Food - Microwave ovens modify food at the molecular level, and while they appear to be fine, they can be downright deadly to your metabolism.
It is also important to maintain an alkaline body. Keeping your PH level slightly on the alkaline side of the scale keeps out diseases, viruses, and harmful bacteria.  These things live off of acidity.  

You don't want a completely alkaline body though...  The general rule of thumb is to have 80% of the food/drink that you consume be of an alkaline nature, 20% acidic.  That provides a healthy balance.

Keep in mind that having a healthy foundation is important, but it is not an overnight cure for anything.  All it really does is give your body a place for it to work from, and it will gradually clear itself of any problems.  But this takes time.  Many times people tried to do this, but gave up after a month or two.  

Step 3: Find Out Why You Are Sick

So... You created a healthy foundation, and you've stuck to it, but you're still sick?  That seems to be a common thing among a lot of people.   If you've gotten to this point, it is time to take a good look at yourself.  Time to get introspective and search inside for the real reason of why you are sick.

It really isn't easy, and most people will immediately say that there isn't a reason, they are not making themselves sick, but keep digging.  Eventually you'll find the reason why you're sick, and once you've resolved that issue, you can start healing.

...I want to say a lot more on that, but that is a topic for another question.

Wait, Isn't There A Quicker Way?

Yes, what I have described so far is a lifestyle change, one that will alleviate almost all diseases over time, and maintain an environment where they cannot return.   But you've probably caught my several hints about this not being a quick cure...

Yes, there are quicker methods.  Various machines and such that work much faster.

Remember back to Star Trek, when Dr. McCoy would wave a little wand over the body while it made weird sounds and it would heal the body?  It wasn't all just science fiction, there is actual science behind that!   Specific sounds heal, certain RF frequencies heal, etc...  Rife machines, zappers, etc...  All of those work by sending out frequencies that make the disease itself explode and stimulates the body's repair process.

Getting away from machines, things like MMS, colloidal/ionic silver, cannibas, herbs/spices, etc... all attack the diseases at the cellular level, destroying them on contact.

There are lots and lots of "cures" out there.  Some work better than others, some not at all.  If you'd like a more detailed review of a particular "cure", that is for another question, so ask away!

Keep in mind though... Unless your body has a healthy foundation, any disease you kill off like that can return quickly.

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