Wednesday, December 14, 2016

So what happened on November 4th?

Question: "You mentioned several times that a major event was going to happen on November 4th, but I have seen nothing happen.  Did you screw up your dates, or just blowing smoke out of your ass again?"


I too was a bit disappointed in what happened.  I had worked myself up into enough of a frenzy that I was expecting the clouds to part, and celestial trumpets to blare out!

Okay, not really, but I really was unsure how it would appear in the news.  And.... Like you stated, nothing seemed to happen.

But.... Something did happen.  Something big.

So, what happened?

At noon EST on November 4th, they publicly announced the ratification of the Global Treaty on Climate Change (or whatever the official title is).

Right about now I bet you're thinking:  "Boo... Hiss...  That treaty is BS!  Everyone knows that climate change is a hoax!"

Well, yes, the climate change agenda is a hoax.

But... (you know I love my buts)  That treaty doesn't really have all that much to do with the hoax aspect of the climate change agenda.  Sure, it has provisions for changing the emissions levels of the participating countries, but it isn't really all that much of a change.  Most of the participating countries are already doing enough (or were already planning to) to pass the requirements of that treaty.

What people didn't notice about the treaty is the underlying wording, the hidden meaning behind it.  It wasn't an exaggeration when the UN Secretary General said it would usher in a new era!

Hidden in the treaty was a requirement for all signing countries to participate in the new banking system.  It literally required them to ditch their fiat currencies and convert to asset-backed ones instead.

This, in turn, opened the flood gates for the GCR (Global Currency Reset), allowing it to be implemented world-wide.

No, there were no blaring trumpets, no press reports, nothing about the world changing forever... But that is what happened.  The world will never be the same after that.

So...  Did anything happen?  

Yes, lots has happened, and is continuing to happen.  But, you'd never know it was related to this treaty if someone didn't tell ya.

  • Egypt changed their currency to a float.
  • Iran and Iraq both publicly announced they would revalue their currencies.
  • India took a drastic move by eliminating all of their higher value currencies from the market with only 3 hours notice, and then issued a new currency.
  • Venezuela has announced a new currency coming out.
  • Zimbabwe has issued a new currency.
  • Italy has voted to stop using the Euro.
  • Prime ministers in several countries have abruptly resigned.
  • etc. etc. etc...
So much has happened in fact that I cannot keep tract of it all.  The above list is a mere fraction of what has gone down in the last month.  And yes, it all started with that treaty.  It isn't coming in like a freight train, but instead coming in slowly and strongly, and gaining strength as it comes.

The world is changing, the age of fiat currencies is at an end, and we are changing from a debt-based global economy, to an asset-based one.   If you don't understand the HUGE ramifications of that, then please, ask for more details.

And this is just the start.  The world itself is changing, soon the need for money itself will be gone.  The dark cabal is going away, and we, as a whole, will finally get our first tastes of actual freedom.  

Are you ready for it?

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