Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why are they covering up details about the flat earth?

"I have been VERY lightly following (but mostly scrolling past) the whole flat earth discussion on BFC - which is about the only place I see it brought up in my sphere [hah] of internet daily research sources.I think the reason I mostly dismiss it is because I cannot think of an advantageous reason for TPTB to cover this up. 
So my question is what would be some good reasons for TPTB to cover up the whole flat earth thing? If you can give me some good reasons that may spur me to spend some (precious these days) time of mine in exploring this further."

Sorry, I had to delete my response.  I worked on it for days, it was long, it was detailed, it was sarcastic...  After reviewing it, I decided it was TOO sarcastic, so I deleted it.

So, to answer your question in a short form:

Why would they cover ANYTHING up?  They continuously hide details about almost everything, and then spew out disinformation as fact on a regular basis.  This is all intentional, it keeps people second-guessing themselves and others, promotes division and contention, and keeps the people fighting amongst themselves.

This is what they want, the continuation of duality, light/dark, good/bad, left/right, right/wrong, etc...  As long as they can keep us distracted and divided, the more control they have over us.  Remember the old saying "united we stand, divided we fall"?  It is never been more true than in modern times.  Disinformation is at an all-time high, and the stakes of the game are even higher.

It is easy to explain why they hide information about things like the JFK assassination, and the 9/11 incident.  But think about it for a bit...  With JFK, they had probably less than 1000 people involved in that and covered it up quite well, but the truth still got out, is still getting out.  We know what happened.  With 9/11, they had a couple thousand people involved in that plot, and it was much-much more elaborate, and while they "sorta" got away with it, the truth got out, and is still coming out.

Now apply that concept to the flat-earth theory.  The number of people involved in the cover-up of a deception that large wouldn't measure in the thousands, it would be in the MILLIONS, probably closer to a BILLION people.  These are the people that are involved in industries that are inexorably linked to mathematics and design of technologies that involve the Earth being a sphere.  What I mean is that their daily jobs involve working with things that simply wouldn't work if the Earth was flat. 

In our current society, you simply CANNOT hide something that big, something that involves that many people, that efficiently.  The word of the deception would be leaking out all over the place, and on a regular basis.  People would be questioning things much more than they are.

But that isn't happening.  Instead, there is only an extremely small (but quite vocal) group promoting this theory, while providing not a single shred of evidence that is provable.  Their entire argument is based purely off of perception and exaggeration.  

I've spent many hours/days/weeks researching this in quite a bit of detail, trying to find some shred of evidence that is verifiable, but was unable to prove anything.

So, to answer your question on why they would cover it up... They aren't.  There is nothing to cover up.  They do hire a bunch of people to get you "thinking" there is a cover-up, but that just keeps the division going, keeping the people under fighting amongst themselves and under control.

If you'd like more detail on any particular aspect of this debate, feel free to ask, but to me the overall debate is pretty much a dead issue.   I would suggest you don't waste your time on it, it will lead you into a rabbit hole that is full of mud.

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